
Seed Funding

As you may know, Bali is a beautiful tourist island in Indonesia, but is sadly riddled with issues from stray dogs, plastic pollution and poverty. But one issue has gone completely ignored – farm animals.

Whilst there are many efforts to help stray dogs and cats, clean up the beaches and support families in poverty, help for farm animals is non-existent.

In South East Asia there are very few sanctuaries specifically for farm animals.

Our goal is to create a safe space for farm animals, whilst giving visitors the opportunity to connect and learn about their personalities. This means creating a farm sanctuary that is safe for animals, whilst being open for visitors.

Our Seed Funders

We are grateful to all who have contributed to our Seed Funder campaign

Our seed funders are the kind people who have helped us to launch the Bali Farm Sanctuary from the very beginning.

Development So Far

In development for the last year, our small team of dedicated founders are now looking to gain the start up capital to make the Bali Farm Sanctuary a reality.

Bali Farm Sanctuary UK has already been registered as a UK Charity (1210041) and is currently in later stages of Indonesian registration.

Land of 97 are (just shy of one hectare) has already been earmarked, and an agreement in principle made with the landowner and local community.

We are now looking to raise an initial 25,000 GBP to begin our plans.

Raised so Far

61% raised
towards our total goal of £25,000

Seed Funding Open

Bali Farm Sanctuary is excited to open support for seed funders of our early stage development. In this stage, we are seeking to raise an initial 25,000 GBP which will enable us to;

  • Rent the first 20 ara of sanctuary land (200 meters squared) for ten years
  • Fencing and security for the site
  • Food and ongoing care for our first resident animal ambassadors

As a seed funder, you are helping us to raise the vital funds needed to launch the Bali Farm Sanctuary.

Below, you can see our Seed Funders presentation. For further information, or to see our full Strategic Plan, please get in touch.